Why Jesus Could Have Been… -Rev. Ken Turley

There are three good reasons that Jesus could have been black:

-He called everyone “bother” and “sister”

-He liked gospel and sang after dinner

-He couldn’t get a fair trial

Three equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:

-He went into his Father’s business

-He lived at home until he was 33

-He was sure his Mother was a virgin and she was sure he was

Three equally good reasons Jesus could have been Italian:

-He talked with his hands

-He had wine with every meal

-He used olive oil

Three equally good reasons Jesus could have been from SoCal:

-Really? The hair and beard??? Dude.

-He wore sandals or went barefoot

-He started a new religion

Three equally good reasons that Jesus could have been Irish:

-He never got married

-He was always telling stories

-He loved green pastures

Most compelling reasons that Jesus could have been a woman:

-He fed a crowd at a moments notice with barely nothing

-He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just
didn’t get it

-Even dead, He had to get up because there was more work to do

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