“Any Sign of Intelligent Life?” -Rev. Jim Lawrence
An important part of sight-seeing in Berkeley is bumper-sticker gazing, and recently I smiled at “Make coffee, not war.” That
Continue reading“Any Sign of Intelligent Life?” -Rev. Jim Lawrence
A Ministry of the Swedenborgian Church of North America
An important part of sight-seeing in Berkeley is bumper-sticker gazing, and recently I smiled at “Make coffee, not war.” That
Continue reading“Any Sign of Intelligent Life?” -Rev. Jim Lawrence
Do you know what one of the hallmarks of Clinical Depression is? Lack of Hope. Most of us when we’re
Continue reading“Hope-The Water of Life” – Rev. Jenny Caughman
“As we approve of the evils of self-love we turn toward hell; as we banish them from ourselves we turn
“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” … Continue readingJesus, Our Example
Central to the [true] Christian faith as it applies to us is that we believe in the Lord, since believing in Him is the union with Him that gives us salvation. Believing in Him is trusting that He saves people; and since we can have this trust only if we live good lives, believing in Him also means leading a good life.** … Continue reading“That Which Was Lost” -Rev. Kit Billings
Rev. Thom Muller A Disclamer: Taking the Old Swede with a Grain of Salt This segment, as well as the
Continue readingODBlog: Swedenborg, Ecumenism, and Christiantiy P.2: Swedenborg and Protestantism
A Sermon by Rev. Dr. Jim Lawrence Readings: Exodus 25:10-22 They shall make an ark of acacia wood; it shall
Rev. Wilma Wake “There are no ‘laws of permission’ that are simply that, or that are separate from the laws
Rev. Thom Muller “God loves every one of us but cannot benefit us directly; he can benefit us only indirectly
Continue readingWhen Thoughts and Prayers Don’t Matter (and When They Do)
Sacrifice: To make holy. In the Old Testament, sacrifices related to purification from, and atonement for, sin. One gave up