Featured Programming

New Lectures from this year’s Fryeburg New Church Assembly!

New Lectures from this year’s Fryeburg New Church Assembly! FNCA is a Swedenborgian retreat center in Fryeburg, Maine, which holds an annual 2-week retreat, which includes lectures by contemporary Swedenborgian scholars and ministers. Below is a link to audio recordings of this year’s lectures, which will be updated as the retreat progresses: http://fryeburg.org/2016listenlectures

Rev. Anna Woofenden: Listen Through the Fear

Rev. Anna Woofenden: Listen Through the Fear Rev. Anna Woofenden: Listen Through the Fear Rev. Anna Woofenden is the pastor of The Garden Church in San Pedro, CA, a Swedenborgian community that works, worships, and eats together in their urban garden sanctuary. An audio recording of this sermon is available at http://gardenchurchsp.org/listen-fear-rev-anna-woofenden-6192016/