Below are several resources for education on Swedenborgian subjects, including links, databases, and courses:
The Gospel of John has been called the most mystical and esoteric of the books of the New Testament. This series of information and reflections, Rev. David Fekete explores the Gospel of John from the perspective of a seeker, contrasting how different traditions, including Swedenborgianism, have engaged the text.
Click below for a full printable PDF edition of “The Story of Jesus According to John – A Seeker’s Companion”:
The Story of Jesus According to John
Intro to Swedenborgianism – Full Course
An overview of basic Swedenborian teachings from a historical, theological and practical perspective
Rev. David Fekete engages the character of the Apostle Paul, a controversial figure in Swedenborg’s view.
New Lesson: “The Sayings of Jesus” -Rev. Dr. David Fekete
In this course, Rev. Dr. David Fekete, co-editor of Our Daily Bread, engages famous sayings of Christ from the
Continue readingNew Lesson: “The Sayings of Jesus” -Rev. Dr. David Fekete
The New Century Edition of Swedenborg’s works:
Center for Swedenborgian Studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA:
Swedenborg’s works online, in Latin and English; searchable:
Swedenborg Library, Bryn Athyn, PA: