“Forgiveness” -Rev. Hugh Odhner


Swedenborg held a view of the Divine as infinitely and unconditionally forgiving and non-judgmental. At the same time he stresses the importance of forgiveness as an essential spiritual practice in our journey of regeneration.

In this sermon, Rev. Hugh Odhner explores the Swedenborgian take on the concept of “forgiveness”, both theologically and practically, and invites us to re-dedicate ourselves to a life of kindness and understanding.


Click below for a printable PDF version of Rev. Odhner’s sermon:

“Forgiveness” -Rev. Hugh Odhner



Rev. Hugh Odhner has been an ordained Swedenborgian minister for many decades.

A bridge-builder between the branches of the Swedenborgian movement, he is an active attendee at the Fryeburg New Church Assembly in Fryeburg, Maine, has preached in many Convention settings, and currently serves the Lord’s New Church in Bryn Athyn, PA.


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