In this reflection, Rev. Christopher A. Barber, Swedenborgian minister and teacher at the Academy of the New Church in Bryn Athyn, PA, explores the current socio-political issues surrounding systemic racism in the United States from a New Church perspective.
Click below for a printable PDF version of Rev. Barber’s message:

Contact: www.ChrisBarber.info
Thank you, Chris! <3
I grew up in the Swedenborgian Church, so I read your article with great interest.
One of the ways that I have assigned myself to deal with white privilege, is to always work at being aware of the immense, overt and subtle ways that my skin colour gives me great advantages. When my Anishinaabeh (Ojibway, to colonists) friend tells me about being followed around in Walmart by staff to ensure that she doesn’t shoplift, I reflect on never having had that experience.
I send you healing thoughts, blessings and traveling mercies. My commitment is to speak up when I hear racist/hateful speech and to remember to respond with love and compassion when confronting fear-based reactions.
Even though many people laugh about my commitment to pray for Donald Trump, I believe that love is always the antidote to hate/fear. He is a man who is most unhappy and knows no peace. When I am behaving my worst is when I need the most prayers, so I will continue to send him love and love and love.
I envision a world of peace and continue to do at least one thing to create this vision every day, with the Creator’s help.
Thank you so much for this reflection. If you have any responses to this email, I would be most appreciative. I always want to have my assumptions and opinions challenged, based on solid information.
Blessings on you and yours,
Esther Fyk
Dauphin, Mb