May 16, 2020
As we all struggle to adapt to the restrictions and challenges surrounding COVID-19, it has been announced that the 2020 General Convention of the New Jerusalem (aka. Swedenborgian Church of North America) will be held in virtual/online format from Friday, June 26 to Sunday, June 28. The theme will be “Spiritual Vision – Transcending Time and Space”.
This years General Convention had been scheduled to take place at Bridgewater University in Bridgewater, MA, but had to be cancelled due to Covid.
While this may be a challenge for some, it is also an opportunity for Swedenborgians to find new ways of connecting. There will be plenty of mini-courses to attend virtually, and churches will be presenting on their ministries in creative ways.
“Transcending Time and Space”, obviously alluding to the virtual/online nature of this year’s Convenion, also has a special spiritual meaning in Swedenborgian spirituality. It is the notion that while being physically apart, we can be -quite literally- be present with each other on the level of spirit. We can assemble in spiritual societies and interact with associate beings. This speaks to the unique nature of this Convention as being an opportunity to cultivate that deeper connection, which truly transcends time and space, with each other.
As we read in True Christianity §29:
“In the spiritual world, there are no physical units of space or corresponding units of time. Yet there appear to be. Apparent space and time follow the different states of mind that spirits and angels go through there.”*
We will once again have the pleasure of having the Rev. Dr. George Dole as our keynote speaker.
Another way in which this can serve to bring us together in new ways is through inviting folks to attend this virtual Convention online from their homes. This can be an opportunity to re-connect with Swedenborgians and other seekers who are not currently involved in any New Church community. Invite your friends!
Rev. Thom Muller
*Swedenborg, Emanuel. True Christianity. Translated by Jonathan Rose. West Chester: Swedenborg Foundation, 2010.
Find out more about this year’s virtual Convention at https://swedenborg.org/news/2020-spiritual-vision-transcending-time-and-space/